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Designing Designer
I think about Design and design Design processes













book contributions

university collaborations

academic journal founded

competitions judjed

infinite pizzas eaten...

I’m a Design researcher, teacher, consultant, and facilitator. My fields of interest are Design Theory applied to System Design, Food Design, and Design processes.

On this website, you can find everything I have done and everything I offer as a teacher and consultant. If you have questions, don't hesitate to get in touch, and I’ll be happy to answer.

I have been immersed in the world of Food Design for about 20 years, and yet my research interests go beyond that to Design overall. Lately, I have been particularly interested in applying spirituality to Design, designing for Activism, and working on a secret project I'm still developing... if you're curious, stay tuned!

Over the years, I have had many triumphant moments, met wonderful people and co-workers, and also encountered big egos and greed. I am still figuring life out. I make mistakes and often feel defeated, but I use all of this to grow and improve as a human being because that is my biggest Design project: carving the best version of myself.

If we work together, expect dedication, passion, and enthusiasm. I'm unable to do things halfway, and I usually give my all. I hope any part of my work may be useful to you.



October 2008 - November 2013.

London Metropolitan University, London, UK.

Thesis Title: Meaningful Eating: a New Method for Food Design


Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

With Distinction.

October 2012 – September 2013

London Metropolitan University, London, UK


MA by Project in Food Experience Design

September 2007 – September 2008.

London Metropolitan University, London, UK.


BA in Industrial Design

Final grade: 103/110

September 2003 - February 2007.

Polytechnic of Turin, Turin, Italy.


2013 at present

Lecturer, Professor, Visiting professor / Guest Lecturer

See a list of teaching positions held​

2015 at present

Founder of Online School of Food Design

School management, courses and workshop creation and curation​

2012 at present

Consultant, researcher, book author and author of the Food Design Thinking methodology

Main Clients:

• Goody - January 2023 - January 2024

• Indigo Concept (Spain) - September-2021 - at present. Various projects

• Namlyeh and Goethe Institut (Jordan) - Novemver-December 2021

• Ivoro (Spain) - April-June 2019, May-September 2020

• Tetra Pak - November 2020

• Barilla s.r.l (Italy) - April-June 2019

• ZODIAC Aerospace (Netherlands) - 2015

• Pepsi Co. - Pepsi Global, Food and Drink (USA) - 2012 - 2013

See full list of clients and services


September 26 - November 10

Invitation to contribute to Food Design Exhibition

Exhibition title: EAT Trans-formative Seeds - Singapore Design Week 2024

Curator: Fang Hu

Event Location: National Design Center, Gallery 1. Singapore


Featured in Documentary Food & Design

more info and watch


Septtember - November

Global Community Professor for UDEM University of Monterrey


June 19 - 30

Guest Professor

Two weeks full time workshop where students were taught and experienced the Food Design Thinking process to design an eating event. 

University: Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China

Coordinator: Long Juan Juan


January - March

Curriculum Development for PRATT Institute

​Collaboration with Prof. Mary McBrite on the curriculum development of Leader Learning Journey,  10 days educational trip to Italy.


November 26 - December 2

Teacher and Facilitator for Food Design Program FABRAKAT

Organisers: Namlyeh studio and Goethe Institut Amman

Program location: Amman, Jordan


Visiting Lecturer at Zuyd University


September - November

Participation in Designing Life After COVID-19 project by Harvard Design Lab

September-November 2020

2012 at present

Conference and Events organiser and Chair​ 

2010 November 9

Co-Chair and Organiser of the 1sr International Symposium on Food Experience Design

​Location: London Metropolitan University, London, UK

2012 June 28-29

Chair and Organiser of the 1st International Conference on Designing Food and Designing for Food. This was the first ever international academic conference on Food Design

Location: London Metropolitan University, London, UK

2015 ​November 5-7

Co-Chair and Chair of Reviewing Committee of the Second International Conference on Food Design. The New School, New York, USA.​ 

2017 February 17-18

​Chair and Organiser of the 3rd International Conference on Food Design​​


Founding Editor of International Journal of Food Design. Published by Intellect. 

2012 - 2013 Guest Editor for academic journal Hospitality & Society, Vol 3: Issue 3. Special Issue on Food Design
. This special issue was the first academic publication on Food Design.


November 9-26

Co-Curator of the London Exhibition for the 6th Food Design® Competition.

London Metropolitan University, Parker Gallery, 41 Commercial Road


Visiting Scholar at Food & Brand Lab, Cornell University

April 1 – September 30, 2009


January – March

Product Designer at Venchi s.p.a.
Main responsibilities: Design of chocolate snack Unico. Unico has been produced and sold in Italy ever since. Graphic design of 2006 Christmas Catalogue. Graphic design of various products’ packaging.


Online School of Food Design

Creator and facilitator of online workshops and online courses

Date: 2016 - at present

Online courses:that I have designed and taught:

  • Food Design Activism (2025)

  • Critical Speculative Food Design (2024)

  • The Food Design Thinking Methodology (since 2018)

  • Designing Beyond the Plate (since 2022)

  • Food Design 101 (since 2016)

  • Why Design Thinking? (since 2020)

  • 7 Strategies from Research from Chefs and Food Designers (since 2018)

  • The Food Design Thinking Flowchart (since 2017)


Position: Curator, facilitator and teacher

Onlive course for 98 participants with different backgrounds. 

Course Title: Food Design

Topic: Critical / Speculative Food Design

Organisation: FONDO Supperclub

Date: October - November 2024

Position: Guest Professor

Part of Global Community Professor Program

Participation to a Food Design course with two months of teaching, one in person in Monterrey, the other remotely.

University: UDEM University de Monterrey

Coordinator: Leslie Lizeth Olán Benítez

Location: Monterrey, Mexico

Date: September - December, 2023


Position: Guest Professor

Two weeks full time workshop where students were taught and experienced the Food Design Thinking process to design an eating event. 

University: Jiangnan University

Coordinator: Long Juan Juan

Location: Wuxi, China

Date: June 19-30, 2023


Position: Guest Lecturer

5 workshops 2 hours each, where students were taught and experienced the Food Design Thinking process to design an eating event. 

University: Zuyd University, Hotel Management School

Coordinator: Sílvia Gabriela Abreu e Silva, Lecturer Food, Nutrition & Gastronomy, Minor Gastronomy Coordinator.


May - June 2022

November - December 2022


Position: Guest Lecturer

5 weeks workshops, where students where taught and experienced the Food Design Thinking process to design a dish.

University: Zuyd University, Hotel Management School

Coordinator: Sílvia Gabriela Abreu e Silva, Lecturer Food, Nutrition & Gastronomy, Minor Gastronomy Coordinator.


May 2020

October - December 2020

May 2021

November - December 2021


Position: Lecturer

Video Lecture (1 hour 17 min) on the Circular Food Economy and Food Design Thinking. For this job I have created the content of the lecture, filmed it and edited it.

University: Aberystwyth University

Coordinator: William Stiles

Date: January 2020


Position: Senior Lecturer - Full Time

Subjects taught: Design Thinking, Design Theory, Service Design, Design Collaboration, Food Design, Food Design Thinking.

University: Auckland University of Technology

Date: July 2014 - November 2015


Position: Lecturer and Studio Leader - Full Time

Subject taught: Food Design: designing with food and designing for food.
Course: MA Product and Furniture Design and BA third year Product and Furniture Design
University: London Metropolitan University, John Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design.
Date: October 2012 – June 2013 (30 weeks taught studio)


Position: Lecturer


University of Brighton (Brighton, UK)

Lecture on Qualitative Data Analysis

November 28, 2013

Universidad De La Republica (Montevideo, Uruguay)

Workshop on Food Design to students, staff and external professionals

October 25, 2013

London Metropolitan University (London, UK)

Lecture on Research process in Design for MA Design students

March 8, 2012

London Metropolitan University - (London, UK)

Lecture on Design thinking for Food Design for MA Design students

November 15, 2011

London Metropolitan University - (London, UK)

Teaching Assistant delivering group lessons and support on academic writing and project development for MA Design students

February - March 2011

London Metropolitan University - (London, UK)

Teaching Assistant

Spring Semester 2010

MA and PHD

Ph.D. Supervisor

Doctoral candidate: Ellen Gonzalez

University: PUC-Rio Arts and Design

Main Supervisor: Manuela Quaresma

Date: October 2024-June 2025

MA Examiner for End of Study Exam

University: L'Ecole De Design Nantes Atlantique

Program Leader; Julia Kunkel

Date: November 14, 2024

Interviews and feedback calls for MA graduation project

​Candidates: Alessandro Fabiani and Eleonora Falqui

Name of project:  Future Foodies, Exploring playful strategies to foster healthy eating habits in children.   

University:  Kolding School of Design, Master in design for people.

Supervisor: Canan Akoglu

Date: 2024 January - June

Interview for MA graduation thesis

Candidate: Mona Rechberger

Project title:  Food & Design: Exploring Gastronomic Experiences Within F&B Businesses and

Their Role in Communicating Holistic Gastronomy - read more

University: Windesheim University of Applied Sciences

Program Leader: Dr. Lineke Stobbe

Date: March 2024

Interview for Ph.D. thesis

Candidate: Ciro Priore

University: Sapienza University in Rome

Date: March 5, 2024

Interview for MA graduation thesis

Candidate: Inci Aslan

University: University of Bozen-Bolzano

Program: Eco-Social Design

Program Leader: Seçil Uğur Yavuz

Date: January 9, 2024

Ph.D. examination board member

Thesis title: Food Design for a better food culture. Redesigning restaurants´ Food Systems

University: PUC-Rio Arts and Design

Doctoral candidate: Ellen Gonzalez

Date: September 3, 2023

Participation as Jury member to Thesis students’ midterm presentation

Modality: In person

University: UDEM University of Monterrey

Supervisor: Cristina Guzman Siller

Date: October 4, 2023 - 7-8pm CST

MA project supervision and feddback

Candidates: Cristina Angulo, Ana Cecilia Vervantes, Valeria Zambrano, and Michelle Adjani Leal Adme

University: UDEM University of Monterrey

Supervisor: Cristina Guzman Siller

Date: October - November 2023

Interview for BA graduation thesis

Candidate: Carla Maria Rotenberg

Thesis title: A Bite of Extinction

University: IE University, Madrid, Spain

Director of the Program: Edgar Gonzalez

Date: March 2023

Interview for MA graduation thesis

Candidates: Federica Cardanobile and Filippo Trazzi

University: Politecnico di Torino

Course: Master's Degree Course in Systemic Design

Date: August 15, 2021

Ph.D. Supervisor

Candidate: Gerbrand Van Melle

University: Auckland University of Technology

Date: 2014 - 2015


Reviewer for International Journal of Food Design

2016 at present

Reviewer for EFOOD 2024: Experiencing and Envisioning Food, Barcelona, Spain.

2024, November 7-9

​Reviewer for Cumulus: Ethical Leadership: A New Frontier for Design. 2025, June 03 - 07

Track 2 / Food Transition / Food Serenity and Environmental Challenges

Track organiser: Julia Kunkel

November 2024 - March 2025​​


Judge for Cumulus Green 2022

Orgnised by Cumulus

Date: May 3, 2022


Judge for Food Design competition 1st National Industrial Food Design Competition
Organized by Istanbul Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds And Products Exporters Union
Date: December 2013 – May 2013 


Judge for the Food Design competition Grandma’s Design

Date: May 2013 


Judge for The Grocer Food & Drink Awards 

London, UK

Date: March 2011


Guest Lecture

2025 February 10

Presentation title: Expanding Food Design

University: L'Ecole De Design Nantes Atlantiques

Event Organisers: Aude Messager

2 hours Online Lecture and Workshop to students of the Master in Food Design

Guest Lecture

2024 November 13

Presentation title: Expanding Food Design

University: L'Ecole De Design Nantes Atlantiques

Event Organisers: Julia Kunkel

Event Location: Nantes, France

Guest Lecture

2024 October 17

Presentation title: The New Food Design Era

University: Università Federico II, Napoli, Italy

Organiser: Lecturer Ivo Caruso

Event Keynote

2024 September 23

Presentation title: Thinking Food Systems, the case of Bologna

Event: Food Design Festival 2024

Watch full presentation here

Event Keynote

2024 September 17

Presentation title: Introducing Food Design and Food Design Thinking

Event: Grow Week, online conference organised by Kerry Group Services International Ltd

Guest Lecture

2024 May 3

Presentation title: The New Food Design Era

University: Izmir University of Economics

Talk series: Design Talks '24

Course Leader: Esra Bici Nasir

Event Keynote

2023 October 20

Event Name: Inauguración de Exhibición Proyectos Destacados
Escuela de Arquitectura y Ciencias del Hábitat 2023

Presentation Title: The Creative Act of Meaningful Design-ing

Event Organisers: UDEM University of Monterrey

Event Location: Monterrey, Mexico


2023 October 13

Presentation Title: Enhance your  Presentation Skills

Event Organisers: UDEM University of Monterrey

Event Location: Monterrey, Mexico

Conference Keynote

2023 Septembr 26

Event Name: Design IMPACTO

Presentation Title: Conversations with a banana on systems and sustain-ability.

Event Organisers: UDEM University of Monterrey

Event Location: Monterrey, Mexico

Watch the full presentation here

Guest Lecture

2023 March 4

Presentation title: Food System Design

Online Live Talk for Design Students

University: Auckland University (Auckland, New Zealand)

Conference Invitation

2023 September 13

Event Name: Food Design Festival

Panel Title: Food Design Meeting Room

Panelists: Dr. Francesca Zampollo, Jashan Sippy, Caroline Hobkinson, Jasper Udink Ten Cate, Heloise Vilaseca, Giovanni Pastoressa

Moderator: Giorgio de Ponti

Watch the Panel Talk here

Conference Panel

2022 November 1-4

Conference Name: Cumulus Association Design Adaptation Conference

Workshop Name: New Eating Habits working group workshop Food Adaptation

Online Participation

Organized by: Dolly Daou and Pier Paolo Peruccio

Event Location: Detroit, USA.

Conference Keynote

2022 October 30

Event Name: Livelihood Wisdom and Design Future Academic Forums

Presentation Title: What can Food Design Do?

Event Organisers: School of Design Jiangnan University

Conference Keynote

2022 October 20

Event Name: Ftalks

Presentation Title: What ca Food Design Do?

Event Organisers: Km Zero Food Innovation hub

Event Location: Valencia, Spain

Event Keynote

2022 September 28

Event Name: Biodesign Sprint

Presentation Title: A little bit of Food Design

Event Organisers: Daniel Grushkin at Biodesign Challenge

Conference Invitation

2022 September 27

Event Name: Singular Open Lab Talks

Presentation Title: Food Design, where to start.

Event Organisers: Singular Open Lab

Watch the full presentation here

Event Keynote

2022 September 23

Event Name: Gastro Think Tank

Presentation Title: A little bit of Food Design Thinking

Event Organisers: Viviana Narino at Areandina

Event Keynote

2022 September 2

Event Name: D Talks

Presentation Title: Food Design with Francesca Zampollo

Event Organisers: Jan Van Caneghem at Innovated by Design

Conference Invitation

2022 July 7

Event Name: Food Design Festival 2022

Presentation Title: Spirituality in Food Design-ing

Event Organisers: Singular Foods

Watch the full presentation here

Event Keynote

2022 March 12

Event Name: Rural Design

Presentation Title: Design Responsibility

Event Organisers: Silicon Vistal

Event Date: March 12, 2022

Event Keynote

2022 January 20

Event Name: 24hr Food & Sustainability Hackathon Vol. IV

Presentation Title: Food Innovation and the future of food

Event Organisers:  IU International University of Applied Sciences (DE) and the Hotel Management School Maastricht (NL),

Event Keynote

2021 December 16

Event Name: PROBION

Presentation title: Why Food Design and How to Design Beyond Food

Event Organisers: Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Watch the full presentation here

Event Keynote

2021 September 30

Event Name: Eat Smart Challenge 2021

Presentation title: Food Design and Food Design Thinking 

Event Organisers: MIT Institute of Design in partnership with Swedish Institute

Conference Keynote

2021 September 9

Event Name: DINOVA FastTech Congress

Presentation title: Who are Food Designers? 

Event Organisers: Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina

Conference Invitation

2021 July 26

Event Name: Food Design Festival 2021

Seminar title: Designing-Centered Design

Watch the full presentation here

Event Keynote

2021 July 2021

Event Name: Nordea CX Design Breakfasts

Presentation Title: Did you say Food Design? Oh yeah, making food look beautiful on a plate!

Event Organisers: Nordea

Panel moderation

2021 March 27

Event Name: Future Food

Organized by +86 Design Platform, Beijing, China
Seminar title: Explore Future Food
Moderator: Dr. Francesca Zampollo, Speakers: Jasper Udink ten Cate, Vanessa Redondo, Nicole Vindel, Xing Penghua, Li Yan. 

Watch the full seminar here

Event Keynote

2021 March 10

Event Name: Learn and Connect, organised by Food and Technology

Presentation title: Food Design Thinking para el comercio electrónico

Speakers: Dr. Francesca Zampollo and Alex Marin
Event Date: 24.03.2021

Event Name: Me2We 2021 - Power of Design Thinking during Crisis Organisers: Stanford LEAD

Event Keynote

2020 December 2

Event Name: Webinar for FoodFeatures part of FOOD:FABRIK

Organised by Goethe-Institut Amman

Presentation title: Food Design for Businesses

Event Keynote

2020 October 30

Event Name: Webinar for The Future of Food Design

Organised by +86 Design Platform, Beijing, China

Presentation title: What can Food Design do?

Event Date: 30.10.2020

Conference Invitation

2020 October 28

Event Name: Food Design Fest 2020, Madrid, Spain

Presentation title: Food Design Thinking

Guest Lecture

2020 October 16

Event Name: Webinar for Universidad Panamericana, School of Gastronomic Business Management, Mexico

Presentation title: Food, Cycles, Systems, and Food Design Thinking

Event Keynote

2020 August 15

Event Name: Food System Design and Experience Innovation

Webinar organised by Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China

Presentation title: Food Design beyond food

Guest Lecture

2020 July 20

Event Name: Webinar organised by Politecnico di Torino

Presentation title: Designing Beyond the Plate

Event Keynote

2020 February 15

Event Name: Madrid Design Week 2020
Presentation Title: The Path Between Design and Meaningful Food

Event Location: Madrid, Spain

Event Keynote

2020 February 11

Event Name: Ambiente 2020
Presentation Title: The Search for Meaning in the Pursuit of Good Food Design

Location: Frankfurt, Germany

Watch the full presentation here

Event Keynote

2020 February 10

Event Name: Ambiente 2020
Presentation Title: The “Thinking” Within Food Design

Event Location: Frankfurt, Germany

Watch the full presentation here

Conference Keynote

2019 March 25-27

Event Name: AIHR 201

9Presentation Title: Awe, Sustainability, and Food Design Thinking

Event Location: Stenden Hotel Management School, Leeuwarden, Netherlands.

Conference Keynote

2017 October 8-11

Event Name: Barnraise 2017

Presentation Title: What can Food Design do?

Event Location: IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, USA

Event Keynote

2016 June 21-22

Event Name: Sustainable Brands Rio 2016

Presentation Title: Food Design, design beyond food

Event Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Event Keynote

2016 June 1-2

Event Name: Food & Technology Summit, Guadalajara 2016

Presentation Title: Food Design, more than food, more than design

Event Location: Guadalajara, Mexico

Conference Keynote

2016 May 3-5

Event Name: CHME16

Presentation Title: Food Design: Moving beyond food

Event Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Academic Conference Talk

2015 June 29-July 2

Conference Name: POPCAANZ 2015

Presentation Title: Discovering Meaningful Food

Event Location: Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand.

Academic Conference Talk

2015 May 11-13

Conference Name: Design for Business. Research Conference

Presentation Title: Food Design for Business

Event Location: ACMI & NGV International Melbourne, Australia.

Academic Conference Talk

2015 February 16-18

Conference Name: New Zealand and Australia Sensory Symposium 2015

Presentation Title: On Food Design and Food Design Thinking

Event Location: Wiheke, Auckland, New Zealand.

Event Keynote

2014 November 2

Event Name: In Search of Meaningful Food Exhibition

Presentation Title: In Search of Meaningful Food (Interactive Talk)

Event Location: Art gallery OltreDimore, Bologna, Italy

Event Keynote

2014 November 15

Event Name: In Search of Meaningful Food Exhibition

Presentation Title: Food Design. An introduction to this discipline and its sub-categories (Interactive Talk)

Event Location: Art gallery OltreDimore, Bologna, Italy

Event Keynote

2014 October 22-24

Event Name: Secundo Enquentro RED Latinoamericana De Food Design

Presentation Title: Food Design Thinking
Event Location: Industrial Taylor, Bogota’, Colombia

Academic Conference Talk

2014 July 7-8

Conference Name: Understanding and Fostering Creativity in the Kitchen

Presentation Title: Idea Generation for the Food Design Process

Event Location: University of Surrey, UK.

Academic Conference Talk

2014 July 2-4

Conference Name: International Food Design Experience, Conference and Studio

Presentation Title: Thoughts for Food: a Food Design Tool for Idea Generation

Event Location: Otago Polytechnic. Dunedin, New Zealand

Event Keynote

2014 March 7

Event Name: Lideres Academicos Project. Evening Talk

Presentation Title: I can Innovate. But How?

Event Location: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico

Event Keynote

2013 October 24

Event Name: Food Design. Conferencia by Francesca Zampollo

Presentation Title: Food Design

Event Location: Universidad De La Republica. Montevideo, Uruguay

Event Keynote

2013 October 21-22

Event Name: Food & Technology Summit

Presentation Title: I food Design. Do you?

Event Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Event Keynote

2013 September 25-26

​​​​​​Event Name: Food & Technology Summit

Presentation Title: I food Design. Do you?

Event Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Event Keynote

2013 September 13

Event Name: Creative Mikser 8, Warsaw Design Week

Organised by the British Council

Presentation Title: Exploring Food Design

Event Location: Warsaw, Poland

Academic Conference Talk

2013 July 9

Conference Name: Activating Students Engagement. Learning and Teaching Conference 2013

Presentation Title: The “WOW” Factor. Engaging and authentic assessments

Event Location: London Metropolitan University, UK

Event Keynote

2012 November 12

Event Name: Grandma’s Design

Launch Event for Food Design Competition Grandma’s Design

Presentation Title: What is Food Design?

Event Location: Brussels, Belgium

Conference Keynote

2012 November 1-2

Event Name: Hoy Es Diseño

Presentation Title: Food Design

Conference organized by ICESI University On Food Design

Event Location: Cali, Colombia

Conference Keynote

2012 July 2-5

Conference Name: Design Research Society 2012

Presentation Title: Designing New Meanings. A Design Method for Eating Design.

Event Location: Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Event Keynote

2011 November 20-21

Event Name: CoCreation Camp #1 – Pechakucha
Presentation Title: Designing Food and Designing For Food
Event Location: Brussels, Belgium

Academic Conference Talk

2011 October 26

Conference Name: PhD Event

Presentation Title: Designing New Meanings: a Design Method for Eating Design. My research Process

Date and Location: October 26, 2011. London Metropolitan University, UK

Academic Conference Talk

2011 February 2-4

Conference Name: Design Principles and Practices

Presentation Title: Food Design, focus and context of a new discipline

Event Location: La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.

Academic Conference Talk

2010 June 2-6

Conference Name: Food in Bloom: Cross Pollination and Cultivation of Food Systems, Cultures and Methods. ASFS/AFHVS Conference.

Presentation Title: Food experiences: the Food Design’s response to our society changing needs

Event Location: Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

Academic Conference Talk

2010 June 29

Conference Name: BSA Food Study Group Conference

Presentation Title: Food Experience Design

Event Location: British Library, London, UK


Workshop Title: What can Food Design Thinking do?

Event Name: ftalks 2022

Organized by: Km Zero

Date: October 20, 2022

Location: Valencia, Spain

Workshop Topic: Food Design Thinking and the Sustainability Pyramid

Organised for: Centro Sociale 2 Agosto

Date: March 26, 2022

Location: Bologna, Italy

Workshop Topic: Food Design Thinking

Organized for: Madrid Design Week 2020

Date: February 13, 2020

Location: Madrid, Spain


Workshop Topic: Food Design Thinking

Organized for: A Scuola Di Gusto. Coordinator: Pina Siotto

Date: January 8, 2020

Location: Bologna, Italy


Workshop Topic: Food Design Thinking, Idea Generation

Organized for: Sustainable Brands Rio 2016

Date: June 21-22, 2016

Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil


Workshop Topic: Food Design Innovation

Organized for: Tecnologico de Monterrey

Date: March 7, 2014

Location: Queretaro, Mexico


Title: In Search of Meaningful Food

Author: Francesca Zampollo

Exhibition title: Virtually POP

Part of the event POPCAANZ, 2015

Curators: Julieanna Preston and Adam Geczy

Location: Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand Date: June 29 – July 2, 2015


Title: In Search of Meaningful Food

Author: Francesca Zampollo

Exhibition Title: Design to Feed the World

Part of the event Cumulus 2015, Expo 2015.

Curators: Organised by Cumulus, the International Association of Universities and Cumulus, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, with Politecnico di Milano and Sapienza University of Rome.

Location: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy Date: June 6, 2015


Title: In Search of Meaningful Food

Author: Francesca Zampollo

Event: Preview Exhibition: Design to Feed the World

Curators: Organised by Cumulus, the International Association of Universities and Cumulus, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, with Politecnico di Milano and Sapienza University of Rome. 

Location: Salone Satellite, Salone Del Mobile, Milan, Italy

Date: April 14-19, 2015


Title: The Taste of Meaningful Food

Author: Francesca Zampollo

Event: Performance at Auckland White Night, part of Auckland Art Festival Jillian de Beer

Curators: Jillian de Beer

Location: Brown’s Café, 417 Remuera Road, Auckland, New Zealand.

Date: March 14, 2015


Title: In Search of Meaningful Food

Author: Francesca Zampollo

Gallery: OltreDimore, private gallery. Bologna, Italy.

Curator: Veronica Veronesi

Date: November 15 and November 29, 2014 


a sample of the testimonials collected in the last 20 years


“I’ve visited quite a number of exhibitions devoted to food and food machinery. All of them are covered with million times repeated slogans of “sustainable transformation” and “innovative solutions” and “responsible alternatives” and…  That is supposed to be so inspiring, but I always got the feeling that these words just lost their meaning. Do people really understand what stands behind sustainability (except for profit..)? Do we really speak about innovative solutions, products, approaches or are we just repeating same things with minor changes claiming them to be global breakthrough? Are we really making responsible choices or are we just driven with marketing and sales? My skepticism kept growing covered also with frustration from the simple fact that what I am myself doing is questionably “sustainable, innovative and responsible”.  But was it even ever supposed to be so? Am I not supposed to organise repeatable processes? Clear tasks? Optimal solutions? Well, yes, but still feels like something is missing – ahh! Yes! Inspiration! And fun!

Good luck brought me to Francesca and her Food Design Thinking approach that can be applied for different layers of food system, repeatable and at the same time very much creative! Through her online materials, videos and of course through few hours of personal communication I got a good number of answers, ideas and of course a lot of inspiration! You do not have to be a designer to implement Food Design Thinking – oh, that is such a relief, I am good enough! 

I am really amazed with amount of investigation, thinking, structuring, organizing and planning that lives in Francesca’s Food Design world. You can see years of studies, but also fruitful implementation, developing methods through applying them, multiplying and unveiling more and more. But there is also a lot of fun, love and devotion to what she is doing and sharing!

There is still a lot for me to grasp theoretically, but even more important to start using practically, to master suggested methods and tools and get other people on board to be inspired and have fun while searching for ideas that can be truly different and meaningful. And maybe – after all - even get rid of allergy to words “innovative” and “sustainable.” 

Olga Strelnikova


"You made the whole project so easygoing, and I never felt like I was under any pressure. Even though it took me a bit to fully understand everything, you were always there for me with your support, and I can't thank you enough. Your explanations of the assignments were super helpful. I always love the videos you make to explain the task; they are a useful reference for me during the project. Thank you so much for everything, and I look forward to working again with you in the future."



"One of the Best Experiences during my studies in UDEM was meeting you and learning so much from you. Thank you!"


"Dr. Zampollo, I just finished listening to you in your Why Design Thinking online course and I must say this is an excellent presentation of what and how we are supposed to do. BRAVO, MADAME!! And MERCI BEAUCOUP for publicly and generously sharing! I wish I had have this kind of presentation in my beginners class, when I started my training in design some... 50 years ago!"

"This workshop not only opened minds about what food design can do but also helped me improve my creative thinking with its techniques and tools that improve the connection of isolated ideas. I also loved working in teams."


"It was a very useful Workshop. It made me think about the cohesiveness between the message & and the language beyond the plate in the F & B outlets I consult for. It helped me to point out why I was lost working on a certain project and gave me creative techniques to overcome this problem."


"The workshop was very interesting in terms of contents and dynamics. I loved the way we got triggered to interpret other participants' images with our "base question", and how it increased the reflection."



"I really loved, loved your philosophy and the way you think and approach Food Design Thinking, with all the sustainability axis but the most significant for me, the spiritual one. From what I have seen before, your approach is extremely different in the truest way. What moved me most is the simplicity of your words and the humility with which you approached the subject, but with a deep knowledge of the subject too, which honestly penetrates people like me, who appreciate the invisible, the significant, the inner truth of people, brands, and projects. Many food designers have had a fashion and trends perspective that unfortunately does not take into account certain concepts such as those you have mentioned. Your presentation was an example of how to analyze, conceptualize and advise in a field where there is so much to do."


“Francesca’s approach to design from the standpoint of Spiritual Sustainability encourages the designer to think critically about their product and the impact it will have in the market. As we fight the environmental crisis and for social equity, organizations and individuals are increasingly aligning their values to their everyday consumption habits and Francesca was able to be a flexible, open guide in the evolving design process. Thank you.”



"I would like to sincerely thank you for your presentation. It was a real pleasure to hear your perspective on food design, the impacts it can have, and the references and tools you shared on this topic. Thank you so much!"


"I was blessed enough to scour the internet and find you Dr. Zampollo. The only reason I'm aware of food design is because of you and there were no institutions in South Africa that accommodated the discipline. I'd like to thank you for your efforts in indirectly changing my life."



"Dr Zampollo

Thanks for your enlightening  work. It’s not often that we ear that food service for hospital or elder or young children is part of food design. So thank you for that. It’s important to me that design isn’t restricted to events or cooking shows. I’m probably an old school industrial designer (but I try to improve and learn more every day). And I try to find or create creative tools for cooks in order to help them in better response for their eaters-guests. Thank you again,

Best regards"



Winner of the Food Design Competition “Precious and delicious”

The proposed project was selected as one of the four winners, and it was produced and exhibited at the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino, Las Vegas NV, JCK Sands Expo & Convention Centre (May 30 – June 3, 2008) and Hong Kong (September 11, 2008).

Organisation: ADI Delegazione Food Design – Italy

Date: May 31, 2008


Fourth Prize at the 4th Food Design® Competition

Organised by: Studio One Off – Turin, Italy

Exhibition date: May 15, 2007


Chocolate snack Unico

designed for Venchi s.r.l.

Unico was selected for the ADI Design Index 2007 Catalogue

Unico has been in production between 2007 and 2020

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